wbe award?

1Okay so it’s official, i am the worst blogger ever. But I’ve been horrendously busy with real life things! Stuff like planning next weeks trip to London, working up time I owe for said trip, fretting over my boyfriends upcoming birthday (for this short time of the year we are the same age!) and not knowing what to get him ,  him not helping me find suitable pressies he likes, nights out in the city with work colleagues, weekend breaks away visiting the mothership, bad bad BAD hangovers and recently dying from a yucky cold that just won’t stop. As Lyzi said in her post, I’ve been up to my eyeballs!
All of which has to be done in between my 9-6 job and sleeping. (I’m currently blogging at work, that’s how desperado it’s getting!)
And you know whats even worse about my absence? In all the things I’ve been doing my camera has ben tucked away in its little case on a shelf. Not only am I both neglecting my blog I’ve neglected my camera too! Yep, that means no photos. *gets handed the WORST BLOGGER EVER award and sits down*. Luckily I’ve been using my instagram a little. Hence why this post actually has pictures!


So I thoroughly apologise. I would like to say blogging will resume but life is just hectic at the moment. I still have to overtime to work up, I’m filming a secret project that I’ve been involved with the last few weeks finishes this friday, woo exciting! When it’s finished and I get the go ahead I can reveal what it is! I’m  also flying over to London for a week this coming Saturday & the following weekend being my boyfriends birthday means more busyness. so yeah, HECTIC! Life, just calm le fuck down for a minute?

I love reading all your lovely comments! :] xo